Tuesday, May 8, 2012


The Media Action Team are running a competition for students to submit articles for a school newspaper, which will be published at the end of this Term. This week's homework is to write an article of your choosing to be submitted to the school newspaper (only the very best articles submitted will go in the finished newspaper, but every article submitted will win housepoints).

Your article should be between 100 and 500 words long.

It can be:

1) A report about something that has happened during this year (either something exciting and important at school or outside of school);

2) Your opinion/viewpoint about something that affects young people today;

3) An in-depth feature on a topical world event, such as the Olympic Games;

4) A review of something (book, movie, album, TV show, restaurant, fashion etc).

We spent a lot of time back in Term 2 working on writing newspaper articles - you interviewed people, you wrote reviews, you wrote about subjects you found interesting. Try to remember the style of writing that you used then. (If you want to check your newspaper articles in Student Share you can always open them again and remind yourself of what we did. Alternatively, pick up a newspaper or magazine and look through it to remind yourself of the right way to write this kind of article.)

Next week we shall be using our 6 (+1) writing traits to edit and improve your pieces of work before submitting them to the School Newspaper Competition.