Morning my lovelies! If you haven't received the email I sent out asking you to get your bottoms over to and join up, please do so asap!
Yesterday I posted an assignment for the first time - you had to explain several vocabulary words that we'll be using in our Poetry topic, and identify rhymes and alliteration in a short poem. Then you had to come over here, read yesterday's blog, listen to the poems, decide which one you liked best and explain to me why, and do the same for the one you liked the least.
Today's assignment is:
1) choose one of those poems from yesterday (it can be the one you like best, but it doesn't have to be)
2) type it up in a word document of some kind.
3) read it out loud to yourself.
4) do that again, listening carefully for sound patterns. (You might want to click on the Youtube links again, to listen to other people reading them out loud.)
5) Underneath where you've typed the poem, tell me about all the SOUND PATTERNS you can find in the poem. So it might have rhymes, it might have alliteration, it might have repetition etc. It might also have a regular rhythm - try clapping along in time to the words to see if it does.
6) Hand in the assignment.
Here are links to written down versions of some of the poems: