Sunday, March 25, 2012


Good morning! This week the homework is to read Chapter Eleven and Chapter Twelve of 'Two Weeks With The Queen.'

After you've read each chapter, can you please write a short paragraph summarising what happened in that chapter?

Why does Colin let the air out of all the tyres of the cars in the carpark?
How does Ted help him then?

Monday, March 19, 2012


Good afternoon!

This week's homework is to read Chapter Nine and Chapter Ten of 'Two Weeks With The Queen' and answer the following questions:

1) Why does Colin call the Royale Fish Bar in Peckham? (Why does he pick them instead of The Houses of Parliament or a newspaper or any of his other ideas?)

2) What does Colin do with the knife on page 73?

3) On Page 74, it says: "People come in here, their relatives have already started squabbling over their furniture." What does that mean?

4) How does Colin recognise "The Best Doctor In The World"?

5) Do you think that he really IS the best doctor in the world?

6) Describe Ted.

7) On page 81, and again on page 82, it says that Colin "felt like booting himself in the bum." Why is he cross with himself?

8) Why does Ted buy thirty chocolate frogs?

9) On page 85 it says "he remembered that mums sometimes cried when they were happy." Do you think Colin's mum is crying because she is happy?

10) When Colin hears that the air-force officer is in the Queen's squadron, he runs over to give him a message for the Queen. Do you think that the officer knows what Colin is talking about? Do you think he will give the message to the Queen?

Monday, March 12, 2012


As you know, this week's homework is to continue with 'Two Weeks With The Queen', this time reading Chapters 6,7 and 8.

1) Describe the character (and, if possible, the appearance) of Colin's aunt, uncle and cousin, using quotations from the text.

2) How does Uncle Bob feel about the Royal Family?

3) Why do they all go to the hospital (page 49)?

4) How does Auntie Iris treat her son Alistair? (Remember to PEE - provide evidence with quotations)

5) Why doesn't the guard at Buckingham Palace help him, or even speak to him? (You may need to research Royal Guards at Buckingham Palace to find out about the traditions.)

6) How does Colin try to contact the Queen? (He tries more than one way.)

7) Why do Colin's aunt and uncle "chuck a mental" at him? (What do you think "chuck a mental" means, from the context?)

Monday, March 5, 2012

As I said in the lesson, this week's homework is:
1) Read Chapters 4 and 5 of 'Two Weeks With The Queen';
2) Answer the following questions.

1) Why do Colin's parents want him to go and stay with his Aunt and Uncle?
2) Do you think this is a good idea? Why?
3) Does Colin think this is a good idea? Why?
4) What is really wrong with Luke?
5) Page 39: "Adults aren't allowed to cry when they fall off a bike or hit their thumb with a hammer, but they can howl like five year olds when they've a duty free bag in their hands." What is Colin talking about?
6) What is Colin's great plan for making Luke well again?
7) On page 43, why do you think there is a long silence after Colin explains what he plans to do in London?

There's also an optional task for Year 7: Create a careful front cover design for your a book you have read (remember the title of the book and the author's name!) and hand it in on Friday. Everyone who hands in a piece of artwork on Friday will get a chocolatey prize for their hard work in honour of World Book Day!